MCQ of Microsoft Excel – Set 11
This is 11th set of Multiple Choice Questions in the category of Microsoft Excel. In this set there are 10 MCQ Questions related to Microsoft Excel and four options for each questions but only one options is the correct answer. Guess your answer first and check with given correct answer. Correct answers of these Questions are given end of this question set.
Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Excel
11-1. Which of the following is correct syntax in Excel?
A. =IF(LogicalTest, TrueResult, FalseResult)
B. =IF(LogicalTest, (TrueResult, FalseResult))
C. =IF(LogicalTest, TrueResult) (LogicalTest, FalseResult)
D. =IF(LogicalTest, TrueResult), IF(LogicalTest, FalseResult)
11-2. Which of the following is correct?
A. =POWER(2^3)
B. =POWER(2,3)
C. =POWER(2#3)
D. =POWER(2*3)
11-3. Selecting the Rows 5 & 6 then choose Insert->Row. What will happen?
A. 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 4
B. 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 5
C. 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 6
D. 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 7
11-4. If 4/6 entered in a cell without applying any formats, Excel will treat this as
A. Fraction
B. Number
C. Text
D. Date
11-5. If the values in A1 is “MCQ
Thank You..!
hey thanx fr updating this wonderful test..its of gr8 help.
Its very good for study but..
Q11-10 What is shortcut Key to hide entire row?
Ans should be both C&D… so the given ans is wrong!!
Similarly for
Q10-2 What is shorcut key for to hide entire column?
Ans should be A. ctrl + – the give ans B is wrong
about Q3-10 What is correct way to refer the cell
About SET 3 Q3-10 What is correct way to refer the cell A10 on sheet3 from sheet1?
ANS should b B sheet1!A10 as we insert content of cell A10 from Sheet1 on sheet 3.
but the given ans is sheet3!A10 that will insert content of A10 from sheet3 on sheet 1.
Thanks a lot for devising this test. Atleast it helped me a lot. May God bless u.