MCQ of Microsoft Excel – Set 10
This is another set of MCQ Questions in the category of Microsoft Excel. In this set as usual you will get 10 Multiple Choice Questions related to Microsoft Excel and four options for each questions but only one options is the correct answer. Correct answers of this MCQ Questions are given below of this question set.
Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Excel
10-1. Which of the following syntax is correct regarding to SUM function in Excel?
A. =SUM (A1, B1)
B. =SUM (A1:B9)
C. =SUM (A1:A9, B1:B9)
D. All of the above
10-2. What is the shortcut key to hide entire column?
A. CTRL + −
B. CTRL + 0 Â Â Â Â Â Â
10-3. How to specify cell range from A9 to A99 in Excel?
A. (A9, A99)
B. (A9 to A99)
C. (A9 : A99)
D. (A9 – A99)
10-4. Selecting the Column G & H then choose Insert->Columns. What will happen?
A. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column F
B. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column G
C. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column H
D. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column I
10-5. How to restrict the values of a cell so that only whole numbers between 9 and 99 can be entered in a cell.
A. The Settings tab under the menu Format -> Cells
B. The Settings tab under the menu Data -> Validation
C. The Settings tab under the menu Data -> Filter -> Advanced Filter
D. the Settings tab under the menu Format -> Conditional Formatting
10-6. Clear the contents by pressing “DELETE
Thank you for this test! If you have to ask, I scored a perfect ten! Well that is because I frequently use Excel and its Macros for programming. I would like to use this for my student’s exam next week as it is such a magnificent set of questions.
Thank you for your comment.
Thanks a lot for the test. The questions are helpfull as m preparing my self for the exam. Wish me luck!!
Wish you All the Best…!
These mcq are more useful for clerkical exam.,.thanks so much
Thnk you very much sir…it will help me alot
Many many thanks
A very big thanks to you. This test has really helped me.