MCQ of Microsoft Access – Set 8

New set of MCQ Questions in the category of Microsoft Access. In this Multiple Choice Question set you will get MCQ Questions from  Microsoft Access, this is 8th set of this series. Correct Answers of these Questions are give below of this Question Set.

MCQ of Microsoft Access

Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Access

8-1 Data can be import into Access Database from

  1. Word Files
  2. Excel Files
  3. PowerPoint Files
  4. HTML Files

8-2 What is the use of Referential Integrity in MS Access?

  1. It allow to enter a value in the foreign key field of a child table if that value exist in the primary key of the parent table
  2. It does not allow to enter a value in the foreign key field of a child table if that value exist in the primary key of the parent table
  3. It allow to enter a value in the Primary key field of a child table if that value exist in the Foreign key of the parent table
  4. None of above

8-3 In MS Access, Field Value may contain

  1. Text
  2. Date & Time
  3. Picture
  4. All of the Above

8-4 Which of the following is the DBMS type

  1. Flat File System
  2. Hierarchical DBMS
  3. Relational DMBS
  4. All of the Above

8-5 Which of the following relationship is not valid in MS Access ?

  1. Many to Many
  2. Many to Null
  3. One to One
  4. One to Many

8-6 A collection of related tables is called

  1. Row
  2. Record
  3. Database
  4. File

8-7 Which of the following Format supports for Data Type Yes/No?

  1. Yes/No
  2. True/False
  3. On/Off
  4. All of Above

8-8 Queries can be created in Access by

  1. Typing Queries in SQL View
  2. Drag and Drop fields on Query Builder
  3. Using Query Wizard
  4. All of the Above

8-9 Relationship can be establish between two tables by

  1. Drag Primary key of a table into Foreign key of another table
  2. Drag Foreign key of a table into Primary key of another table
  3. Drag any key of a table into any key of another table
  4. All of the above

8-10 What is the use of Cascade Delete Option in MS Access?

  1. It makes sure that all the records from the parent table and child table is deleted from selected database
  2. It makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically from child table when the records from parent table is deleted
  3. It makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically from Parent table when the records from child table is deleted
  4. None of above


Click Here for Answers

1 – B / 2 – A / 3 – D / 4 – D / 5 – B / 6 – C / 7 – D / 8 – D / 9 – A / 10 – B

One Response to “MCQ of Microsoft Access – Set 8”

  1. rajendra kumar barma 15 April 2015 at 9:40 PM

    plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me to download ms access, ms excel

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