MCQ of Fundamentals of Computer – Set 10
New MCQ Questions set on the category of Fundamentals of Computer. As usual in this set you will get 10 Questions on related to the category Fundamentals of Computer. This series of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) covers the topics such as History of Computers, Generations of Computer, Computer Devices and Peripherals, Storage Devices, Computer Viruses etc. This is the 10th Set of this series.
Multiple Choice Questions on Fundamentals of Computers
10-1 What is Unicode?
A. Standard Font
B. Software
C. Character Encoding System
D. Keyboard Layout
10-2 In Computer System Scanner is ______ Device?
A. Input
B. Output
C. Both
D. None
10-3 Which of the following memory has the shortest access time?
A. Virtual Memory
B. Cache Memory
C. External Memory
D. Register
10-4 Speed of Laser Printer is measured in
10-5 Which of the following device cannot be shared in Network?
A. CD Drive
B. Printer
C. Mouse
D. Hard Disk
10-6 Which of the following is not Computer Hardware?
A. Mouse
B. Monitor
C. Antivirus
D. Printer
10-7 What is the main purpose of the secondary storage device?
A. To increase the speed of Computer
B. To Install Operating System
C. To Networking
D. To Store Data
10-8 Which of the following memories needs refresh?
D. All of above
10-9 A Dumb terminal has
A. Processor and Keyboard
B. Processor and Hard Disk
C. Keyboard and Hard Disk
D. Keyboard and Screen
10-10 Who invented Integrated Circuit (IC)?
A. Herman Hollerith
B. Jack Kilby
C. Semen Korsakov
D. Bill Gates
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Its very knowlegible .
Dear Ramveer,
Thanks for appreciation…
Very Good Questions . I have bookmarked this website . These questions are helpful for bank exams .
Dear! your site is very much useful for computer science students and teachers as well. I am hopeful that you will keep it up for the betterment of all.
i so appreciate this document for it’s just so helpful and knowlegible
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Its really very useful for our competition based exams …thanku so much…pls keep update questions
good wrk yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It is very easy to solve & to remember.
Your site is very eligible for study of CMF. Thanks a lot of to provide this.
Basic questions
Thank you sir
Question no 3 answer should be a thats cache memory
Thanks, Answer updated.
In mcqq 9 question number 8 same question and the answer is Cache memory than how it could be here register
Thank you for the pointing out the mistake.
Answer updated.
dear sir the answer of question number 10.3 is D. clear plz sir .
Thank u sir very important question is posted on this mcq…all other questions also plz update for more information. ..
sir download hudai chaina kaseri garne ho
sir 3 ko cache huncha ki register. I am confused sir. plz riply