Online Quiz on C/C++ Programming Language – Set 1
Online Quiz of C/C++ Programming Language – Set 1. On this online quiz set there are 10 Multiple Choice Questions related to the C/C++ Programming Language in Quiz format. This Online Quiz is for those user who want to test their knowledge/skill in C/C++ Programming Language. To attempt this online quiz type your name and click on start button bellow.
You’ll get 10 minutes to answer 10 mcq questions.
it is amazing and useful
This question was incorrectly worded, selection A should state “either b or c” not “a or b”.
The operator << is called
A. either a or b (Correct Answer)
B. put to operator
C. an insertion operator (Your Answer)
D. None of these
it’s very goog….amezing…..
Sir I think
Option A is wrong for this question, but you are saying that it’s correct
The operator >> is called
A. either a or b (Correct Answer)
B. get to operator (Your Answer)
C. an extraction operator
D. a get from operator
It’s amazing….. and do useful
good for computer science students